GAME DESIGNERS --Revolutionizing Game Design The Power of Questions Over Stats

Revolutionizing Game Design: The Power of Questions Over Stats

The Power of Questions Over Stats: Unleashing Creativity in Role-Playing Games

In the realm of tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) a quiet revolution brews. Game designers seek fresh ways to craft immersive experiences that captivate players and spark their imaginations. One innovative approach gaining traction: ditching traditional character stats in favor of thought-provoking questions. This method not only simplifies game mechanics but also encourages players to embody their characters more fully 🎭

Again, while searching for good references to write about game design, I have found this interesting thread on twitter (X)

Article Key Takeaways:

  1. Questions can replace traditional stats in RPGs enhancing gameplay
  2. This approach encourages roleplaying and genre-specific actions
  3. Simplicity in design allows for easier game creation and modification

The Limitations of Traditional Stats

RPGs typically rely on numerical stats to define character abilities. While this system has endured for decades it often falls short. Stats can feel arbitrary limiting player creativity and sometimes failing to capture the essence of character archetypes.

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The Dev Team astutely observes:

Take dungeon fantasy. There’s a few different archetypes central to dungeon fantasy like the strong warrior and the stealthy rogue. Creating a class that’s just called “The Fighter” or “The Thief” isn’t enough though — you have to reward players for playing in genre.

This observation highlights a crucial issue: how can game designers encourage players to embody their chosen roles authentically?

Enter the Question-Based Approach

Inspired by games like “Pasión de las Pasiones” some designers explore a novel solution: replacing stats with targeted questions. This method directly rewards players for acting in accordance with their character’s archetype.

For instance instead of assigning a high “Charisma” stat to a bard character the game might ask “Are you drawing attention to yourself?” Answering “Yes” grants a bonus encouraging players to seek the spotlight just as a bard would.

Examples of Character-Defining Questions

  • Rogue: “Is no one watching you?”
  • Ranger: “Are you aided by your pet?”
  • Fighter: “Are you relying on your brawn?”

These questions serve as constant reminders of character identity prompting players to think and act in ways that align with their chosen role.

The Advantages of Questions Over Stats

  1. Simplicity: Questions are intuitive requiring no complex calculations
  2. Flexibility: Designers can easily create new character types by crafting appropriate questions
  3. Encourages Roleplaying: Players naturally embody their characters when seeking bonuses
  4. Genre Emulation: Questions can be tailored to reinforce specific genre tropes

The Dev Team emphasizes the elegance of this approach:

Going back to Pasión the answer Leon-Gambetta figured out was so simple and elegant. Want to reward the La Belleza for being the center of attention? Ask them “Are you the center of attention?” and give them a +1 if the answer is “Yes”.

Case Study: Dungeons of the Dungeons

Inspired by “Pasión de las Pasiones” The Dev Team applied this question-based system to a classic dungeon-crawling setting. The result: “Dungeons of the Dungeons” a game that demonstrates the versatility of this approach.

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In this prototype each character class is defined by a unique question:

  • Fighter: “Are you relying on your brawn?”
  • Rogue: “Is no one watching you?”
  • Bard: “Are you drawing attention to yourself?”

This simple framework allows players to quickly grasp their character’s role and encourages them to act accordingly. It also simplifies the game creation process enabling designers to rapidly prototype new character types and scenarios.

Breaking Free from Traditional Constraints

The question-based approach offers several advantages over traditional stat systems:

  1. Direct Encouragement of Desired Behavior: Questions explicitly guide players towards genre-appropriate actions
  2. Elimination of Math Headaches: No need to balance complex stat interactions
  3. Increased Flexibility: Easily adapt the system to various genres and settings
  4. Enhanced Role-Playing: Players focus on character actions rather than numerical bonuses

The Dev Team notes:

In designing Dungeons of the Dungeons I realized that stats are a tool not a goal and theyre clunky. Games can and often should still use them (Masks is a great example of stats used well), but rolling with questions gives you so much more flexibility.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

While the question-based approach offers numerous benefits it’s not without potential drawbacks:

  1. Limited Character Customization: Some players might miss the ability to fine-tune their characters through stat allocation
  2. Potential for Repetitive Gameplay: If questions are too narrow players might feel constrained in their actions
  3. Balancing Challenges: Ensuring that all character types remain equally viable can be tricky

Game designers must carefully consider these factors when implementing a question-based system.

The Future of RPG Design

The question-based approach represents an exciting frontier in RPG design. Its simplicity and flexibility make it an attractive option for both established designers and newcomers to the field.

The Dev Team expresses optimism about the potential impact:

When I first revealed the prototype for DotD I said Pasión could be the next evolution in the PBTA space and this is what I meant by it. It’s so easy to make playbooks in genre. I’m just waiting for other designers to start using these tools.

As more designers experiment with this approach we may see a new wave of innovative and accessible RPGs that prioritize storytelling and character immersion over complex rule systems.


The question-based approach to RPG design offers a promising alternative to traditional stat-based systems. By directly encouraging genre-appropriate behavior and simplifying game mechanics this method has the potential to revolutionize how we create and play tabletop RPGs.

As the gaming community continues to explore this approach we can expect to see a diverse array of new games that push the boundaries of storytelling and player engagement. Whether youre a seasoned game designer or a curious player the future of RPGs looks brighter and more imaginative than ever 🌟

So next time you sit down to create or play an RPG consider asking yourself: “Am I ready to embrace a new way of thinking about character abilities?” The answer might just lead you on an exciting adventure in game design.


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