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Processes – 3/Part 6 | Call Action using JavaScript | Ribbon Button Customization | Dynamics CRM

#Dynamics #Dynamics365 #Microsoft #Microsoft365 #Action #Workflow #Plugin #DynamicsCRM #DynamicsCRM365 #webapi #WebAPI #Azure #AzurePortal #Ribbon #RibbonCustomization #JavaScript #CRMRestBuilder #RibbonWorkbench
In this video you will learn how to call the action using JavaScript.
Video is demonstrated taking the example of #ribbonbutton to call the action.
We have created on action which takes few input #parameters and create a record of #student. To call this action in JavaScript , we pass the required input parameter. To build the JavaScript code we have used CRM Rest Builder.
We have setup a ribbon button on the #entity home screen. To put the ribbon button, we have used ribbon workbench solution. This ribbon workbench solution is used in #xrmtoolbox. On this ribbon button we have register a JavaScript function which will call the Dynamics Action.
Please find CRM Rest Builder on below link:

Please find ribbon workbench solution on below link:

Please find XRMToolBox solution on below link:
Please find JavaScript code developed in this video on below link:
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